The decision to become a yoga instructor can alter one’s entire trajectory in life. Practicing with others is a great way to learn more about yoga and to help others find inner peace and harmony. With the right guidance and hard work, you can become an accomplished yoga instructor.

This blog is an in-depth guide to becoming a yoga instructor, answering all of these questions and more. Whether you’re just curious about this field of work or have already begun your journey, you’ll find all the information you need here.

Can Anyone Become a Yoga Teacher?

Those who are enthusiastic about yoga and are prepared to put in the necessary work and study can become yoga teachers. Although anyone can become a yoga instructor, teachers need to have specific training and experience which include complete familiarity with yoga’s asanas and techniques and ability to lead and communicate effectively.

The motivation to study and share yoga always trumps prior knowledge and practice.

The duties of a yoga teacher

There is more to being a yoga teacher than just demonstrating poses and helping students perfect them. A yoga instructor’s job is to guide students through yoga practices with the goal of bettering their physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual awareness. The following are examples of what a yoga teacher’s typical week entails:

  • Instruct yoga classes that are tailored to the students’ needs and experience.
  • Facilitate students’ yoga practices in a secure and encouraging setting.
  • Maintain a lifelong commitment to learning more about yoga and its many facets.
  • Establish rapport with your students and work together to make the studio a home.
  • Advertise the studio and try to get some new students.

What are the requirements to become a yoga teacher?

Becoming a yoga teacher is an ongoing process, but one that rewards you with a wealth of new information and insights along the way. If you want to teach yoga as a profession, you’ll need to complete a 200-hour yoga teacher training course and get certified. This has led to the proliferation of intensive certification preparation courses offered by ashrams like Indian Yoga School, which provide round-the-clock guidance.

Here is a high-level outline of what you’ll need to do to earn your yoga teacher certification.

  • Cultivate a regular yoga routine.Spend some time practicing yoga on a regular basis and working on your fitness and flexibility before enrolling in a yoga teacher training programme.
  • Select an Appropriate Training ProgramFind a yoga training that fits with your values and practice. Studying yoga at India Yoga School will provide you with a one-of-a-kind educational opportunity as our courses have been recognised by the appropriate authorities, such as the Yoga Alliance USA. This will guarantee that your yoga teacher training programme is up to the standards established by the Yoga Alliance around the world.
  • Become a certified yoga instructor.When you find a suitable training course, enroll in it and finish it. The bare minimum of training needed to enter the teaching profession is 200 hours.
  • Keep learning new things.It is important to keep up with the latest trends and techniques in yoga, and many organisations require continuing education to maintain certification. After finishing a 200-hour yoga teacher training, it’s recommended that you pursue additional training in the form of 50- and 100-hour courses. You can learn the basics of yoga, meditation, and pranayama in a short amount of time, and even try out more advanced techniques like Prenatal Yoga.

How much does it typically cost to complete yoga teacher training?

You can expect to pay anywhere from €1099 to €1899 for a 200-hour yoga teacher training at a traditional yoga ashram. Everything from tuition to lodging and meals is included in the course fee.

How long does it take to complete the requirements to become a yoga teacher?

The yoga teacher training consists of 200 training hours. It’s common practice to split the time between active and inactive periods.

It’s also worth noting that there’s no end to the study required to become a yoga teacher. Learning new methods and approaches is something you should do for the rest of your life, even after you’ve earned your certification.

How much does one typically earn as a yoga teacher?

A yoga instructor can make a good living on average, though this will vary depending on their level of experience, where they teach, and the career path they choose.

Some yoga teachers may also opt to be self-employed, either by teaching privately or at several different locations. Their earnings could be proportional to the number of classes they offer and the rates they set.

Where can qualified yoga teachers go from here in terms of employment?

The increasing interest in health and wellness means that holistic therapies like yoga are in high demand. There are a number of career paths open to certified yoga teachers.

Some of the Possible Courses of Action are:

  • Some of the Possible Courses of Action are:
  • Health club or spa with yoga and other relaxation options
  • Employee yoga classes at the office
  • Social media content creation and virtual yoga classes
  • Individualized yoga instruction for a variety of clients
  • Leader of a Yoga Retreat
  • There are a plethora of opportunities for yoga teachers, such as starting a YouTube channel or instructing online courses for a school.

Also Read: Yoga Alliance Certification: Is it Worth it?


If you’re looking for a fulfilling career, teaching yoga is a great option. It will not only help you succeed professionally, but it will also introduce you to interesting people and teach you interesting things. Beginning a yoga teacher training program at India Yoga School will set you on a course of introspection and development that will alter the course of your life irrevocably.