Yoga is not just a form of exercise. It’s a methodical science that can help you find harmony between yourself and the world around you. A yoga teacher teaches asanas, kriyas, and other yoga practices to students at the Institute. You can think of them as a kind of lifelong learning institution. Since it is both a time-tested practice and an all-natural approach to health and fitness, yoga is a fantastic profession to pursue.

6 Guidelines for Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training Course in India

Yoga Method

Yoga styles like Ashtanga, Power, and Vinyasa are great healthy forms of exercise. If you’re just getting started with Yoga, it’s best to experiment with different styles to find what you like. In addition, learning one form of Yoga does not preclude you from teaching another. It does nothing more than lay a solid groundwork upon which the rest of your education can be built. You can learn the foundational skills that will serve you well throughout your career. It’s recommended that you begin with a well-known style of Yoga. You would benefit from your training more if you were open to exploring different kinds.

The Student’s Academic Background

Once you’ve settled on a specific branch of Yoga, the next step is to select a training partner. Keep in mind that a training institution is like-minded to your interests when choosing a programme. Choosing a dependable yoga teacher training school in India with a proven track record of teaching is crucial. It is in your best interest to compare both well-established and up-and-coming institutions for teacher preparation before committing to one.

Also Read: How to become a certified yoga instructor?

Verify Their Expertise

Verifying the specifics of the taught material is also recommended. Make sure there is a balance between learning theory and putting it into practice. A well-rounded training programme will offer both lecture and physical activity opportunities, such as yoga classes. You should be able to put what you learn into practice during supervised teaching practices. Don’t be hesitant to ask the institution any pertinent inquiries you may have. Any reputable educational establishment will gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know about their programmes.

The Proficiency of The Instructors

It goes without saying that your instructors will have significant impacts on you as a person and a future educator. If you want to get the most out of your training, you should look for a school that employs a co-teaching approach and values its faculty members as its greatest asset. Check out the credentials of the trainers associated with the training programme of interest. You should hire only the most well-respected experts in the field of yoga to lead your courses. Together, they should provide you with a complete yoga education.

Also Read: Yoga Teacher Training In India


The budget is a major concern. The average cost of a yoga teacher training course is around €1900. It also depends on the neighborhood and the institution. Keep in mind that the aforementioned sum only covers tuition, not additional living expenses like rent or food. Choosing a school that is within your financial means will help you out monetarily in the long run.


Training to become a yoga teacher typically takes between 24 and 28 days, or 200 hours. But many yoga centers seem to cram these hours into a variety of formats. It is best to take some time off and go for completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training in Goa in one go instead of breaking the practice into only weekend classes.


Because of the personal nature of your first yoga teacher training journey, you should trust your intuition and go with your gut when making course selections. Take your time deciding where and with whom to complete your first yoga teacher training, and once that decision has been made, allow yourself to feel excited about the experience. By deciding to become a yoga instructor, you have already taken the first important step towards greater self-awareness, better health, and a world of self-discovery.